George got that look,
again when,
I asked him,
what he knew about,
the Lover's Knot.

"Would you like to see how,
or just see?"
"I'm not sure I know,
how to answer that."

"You've been out there,
I only long to,
what is the story,
to be told".

Out on the Maritimes,
I seem to find things,
of value,
looking out,
beyond the Tidal Bore,
I see.

When I see,
I feel.
The fog rolls in,
around here,
like a storm,
coming upon you.

"It is mostly,
what you make of it,
the exquisite delight of yearning,
the suffering of anticipation,
the frustration of precision,
the folly of imagination,
the vow of promise,
it's all there,
inside and out".

"And is that,
what turned the moon,
to red?"

Aristotle could withhold,
no longer,
"no of course not,
it is the pointer,
of the heavens!"

"It just lights the way,
every so often,
it sparks,
and sets us off,
further on,
down the road"

Friction Man,
drove out to the very edge,
of East Ferry,
and looked straight up,
at that big,
red moon.

I stood there myself,
for a good long time,
and just waited for,
the pointer,
to lead me on.

Friction Man,
smiled and pointed,
toward the west,

Then I looked down,
and found it,
the promise,
to be made,
take it,
keep it,
and share it,
when the moment is right.

I will.